An article
taken from The Daily Telegraph 10th. March 1968 |
Popping Down to Rome
Rome stayed cool! At the onset of Hannibal and his elephants,Attila and
his Huns . . . Why loose your cool for Zoot Money and his Dantalion,s
Chariot, Blossom Toes, The Crazy World of Arthur Brown, Donovan, The
Family, The Move (top of Harold Wilson’s pops), The Soft Machine, The
Incredible String Band, Traffic, Pink Floyd, Captain Beefheart and his
Magic Band, The Byrds, John Handy, The Crome Syrcus with Astarte
Ballet, Buffy St. Marie, Julie Driscoll, Fairport Convention, The
Pebbles, The Dragonfly, The Robati from Jugoslavia, The Javeri Manipuri
Dance group from India, and The Warsaw Skiffle Group from oddly enough
Warsaw! And who said poetry is dead anyway ? |
Maker: “The pop-flop of ´68″ |
The festival was
announced for the Palazzo delle Sport in Rome, but happened in the
Piper Club obviously without the ISB. |
Another Festival at which they actually didn't play:
Turku No 2 1970:
Turku veranstaltet ein großes Pop Festival vom 21. - 23.8.. Die
Performer-Liste reicht von der Family, der Incredible String Band, Colosseum und Juicy Lucy aus England, ...
järjestetään suuret pop-festivaalit 21-23.8. Esiintyjäluettelon nimistä mainittakoon
Family, Incredible String Band, Colosseum ja Juicy Lucy Englannista, Made
in Sweden, Pugh Rogefeldt och Hjärtans Hundar Ruotsista, Burning Red
Ivanhoe Tanskasta, Flamingo Prahasta sekä kotimaisia huippuja.